I’m Lauren and welcome to my travel blog! This blog recounts the adventures of my husband and I on a one-year around the world (RTW) trip. Prior to becoming a full-time nomad, I worked in the financial services industry, attended college and graduate school, earned professional certifications, and otherwise did very safe and “in the box” sort of things. This trip is our chance to live a little crazy and see the world before settling down and doing the whole family thing. Our departure date is two days before my 29th birthday, and the goal is to celebrate 30 one year later with as many as 50 new stamps in my passport. I love being a redhead (so Lord help you if you call me a brunette), and I’m unable to take pictures in beautiful places without spreading my arms out wide (see throughout).
My husband Chris will be turning 35 while we’re on the road and originally hails from Nashville (a major plus for this country music-loving Michigander). We met in Chicago and were married in 2013. He loves currency trading and children’s cereal. He’ll be telling tales of our trip from an economic perspective on BackpackInvesting.com. But on Redhead Roamer, you’ll get the details of our daily travel escapades—from breathtaking photos and insight into local cultures to tales of the inevitable wrong turn or “unidentified meat “culinary adventures. I’ll also talk a good bit about how exactly we were able to orchestrate and finance this RTW trip. I hope you’ll follow along, comment often, and maybe even come visit us on the road.